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Parents and children

Children's University is currently running in over 1,000 schools across 66 local authority areas in England. Children typically sign up to Children's University through their schools. 

Is my child's school involved?

Children’s University is a network of partners that manage their activities locally, including relationships with schools and local members. Your local Children’s University is the best place to start when it comes to getting your child involved as they can tell you how they manage membership and whether they already work with your child’s school. To find your nearest Children’s University go here.

What if there isn't a Children's University in my area?

If there is a Children's University in your area but your school isn't signed up, you can suggest that they sign up and pass on the details for your local Children's University to your child's teacher. If there isn't a Children's University in your area then your child's school can still sign up. Get in touch with details of your school and we can contact them with more information. 

Subscribe online

In 2023 we launched a new subscription model. If your child attends a school that’s not part of our existing programme, or if you home-educate, this is for you. You can read more and follow sign up instructions here.